If you have any issues with your fire sprinkler system, contact our vendor Frontline Fire Protection (FPI): 817-381-1434 In the case of a health or safety emergency, please contact 911
6323 Burnham - 6351 Burnham
6344 Clarkson
6344 Clarkson - 6388 Clarkson
6345 Gordon
6345 Gordon - 6391 Gordon
6346 Gordon
6312 Gordon - 6346 Gordon
6392 Gordon
6374 Gordon - 6392 Gordon
6393 Burnham
6379 Burnham - 6393 Burnham
8274 Library
8202 Library - 8274 Library
8280 Short
8212 Short - 8280 Short
8285 Short
8217 Short - 8285 Short
8304 Library
8304 Library - 8388 Library
8305 Moore
8305 Moore - 8341 Moore
8389 Moore
8365 Moore - 8389 Moore
8405 Moore
8405 Moore - 8495 Moore
8408 Library
8408 Library - 8480 Library
In 2017, the HOA Board made a change to how repairs to the fire sprinkler systems are covered.
Background: Each building in our community has a common fire sprinkler system which protects the entire building. These systems are filled with an expensive anti-freeze solution. If a system develops a leak or is triggered by fire, this solution is normally lost and must be replaced.
In the past, the responsibility for and expense of repairing a leaking system was the responsibility of the owner of the townhome(s) where the leak occurred. This is an expense which typically runs in the thousands of dollars and sometimes led to repairs taking longer than expected. As a result, building went unprotected for too long. Because of this, the board concluded that a policy change was needed to ensure the integrity of these critical systems.
*Policy change: The HOA will contract for and supervise ALL fire sprinkler system repairs. The cost of any unexpected repairs will be divided equally to each townhome in the affected building and billed to the owners of record by special assessment. Note: This change does not apply to riser room repair, inspection, and monitoring which is already handled by the HOA and paid for from general operating funds. Nor does it affect the repair of damage to the physical structure which remains the responsibility of the homeowner.
Frisco Fire Department responds to all triggered alarms, however leaks can occur which do not flow enough water to trigger an alarm.
If you have or suspect a fire sprinkler leak, immediately notify our fire sprinkler vendor (see contact info above), the Frisco Fire Department, and the HOA Board (through the HOA Messenger App) so that the system can be depressurized and repaired.
Fire sprinkler leaks can be differentiated from water leaks by the oily nature of the anti-freeze solution and it's orange color. Contact with anti-freeze should be avoided.
Homeowners insurance will pay for damage to your property in the event of a leak but not for fire sprinkler repairs. If you rent please protect your belongings with a renters insurance policy. The homeowners insurance policy will probably not cover your possessions.